Wednesday 28 September 2016

Multiple Flash - Technique

A multiple flash image is a type of long exposure image. It involves taking a photo with a long exposure, but you trigger a flash multiple times during the exposure of the photo. Because of this, you have to use some kind of external flash, whether it's an on camera flash gun or triggered studio softlights. If you use an on camera flash, It will need to be one that you can set to fire multiple times, which can be expensive, therefore I used normal studio softlights and triggered them manually.

For multiple flash photography, you will want to shoot on a tripod. This is because you will shooting using long exposures, and a result, there will be dramatic camera shake at the slightest movement. You will likely be shooting on an exposure of anything over a second; the longer the exposure, the more times you will be able to fire the flash, therefore the more stages of movement you will be able to display. Because the exposure is long, you will need to use a high f stop in order to limit the amount of light that enters the shutter. As for the flash, unless you have a flash that you can set to trigger several times during the exposure, you will need to trigger the light manual during the exposure.

1 comment:

  1. still need to discuss the camera settings used when the technique was demonstrated to you.. and more detail is required on equipment, tripod (why used) lighting type used and why.. you will need to record the details of what you were shown in demo's with greater accra if you are to gain a higher grade..
