Wednesday 28 September 2016

Multiple Flash - Image Bank

This multiple flash image has used lots of flashes; 16 to be exact. Because of the amount of flashes, this has likely been shot on a very long shutter speed, perhaps 6". This image creates the effect of a person walking.
This image also has had the flash fire many times, as there are a lot of stages of her movement shown. This was likely to be a slightly shorter exposure, perhaps 3 or 4 seconds, as this was likely a fast movement.
The image above is a multiple flash image with considerably less flashes taking place than in the other two. you can see around eight different positions in which the flash has fired. This has likely been taken on an exposure of around 3 seconds
This image captures a very large amount of movement; it also differs from the previous images by having four subjects instead of one. The fact they are moving within a small space has created a blur effect, as each snapshot of movement has merged into the others

The image above is a much simpler multiple flash image than most; there have only been three flashes during the camera's exposure, which I would guess is around three seconds. This is different in that you was not moving large amounts during the photo; she moved from position to position, freezing each time, which means there are three clear images of her in the photo

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