Monday 26 September 2016

Macro - definition

Macro photography is a type of close up photography that involves making small things look larger than life. Macro photographs are generally taken within 30cm of the subject, using a lens with a focal length of 50mm or more. The closer you zoom into your subject, the more detail you will be able to capture. Here are some examples of macro photography.

This image has an incredibly narrow depth of field; only a small part of the already small object is in focus, while the rest is heavily out of focus. You can see where the focal zone is based on the line that is in focus along the surface that the nail has been placed on. Where the nail is in focus, you can see a very high level of detail. You can see some extremely rough textures in the metal, as well as some rust near the bottom of the nail, which is a muted shade of red.

This is a photo that has been taken from a very close up perspective, most likely using a lens with a focal length over 60mm. This image also has a very narrow depth of field, with just the letter U in focus. Around the letter, there are some very bumpy textures shown in close up detail.

1 comment:

  1. refer back to tube on how to construct the posts you are not following the set process.
